Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
If you saw one of The Human League's famous trio of singers shed a tear at the Villa Marina - don't worry, it means the show was a success.
Manx Performers Spring into Life at Welsh Festival
Barrule launch their latest CD at the Centenary Centre in Peel.
Celtfest Isle of Man - A Fresh New Look for a Familiar Festival!
Music Composed in Manx Internment Camps Highlighted in Island Concerts.
Yn Chruinnaght snaps up award winning band for Festival.
Celtfest Isle of Man - A Fresh New Look for a Familiar Festival
On a beautiful sunny day last year, I turned up to be a member of a team in the Relay for Life.
Manx Link Remains Strong with Cornish Festival