
Manx House Names

by 17th May 2022

Isle of Man - Manx House Names



Find the meaning of Manx house names from our list below.


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A House Names
Manx English
Aah Whallian Awhallan
Aalican Great Calm
Aalid Feie Wild Beauty
Aalid Meen Dear Beauty
Aigney Mie Goodwill
Aittin Mooar Ashenmoar
Algaar Algayre
Ard Aalin Beautiful Height
Ard Beg Little Height
Ard Eairee Arderry
Ard Onan Ardonan
Ardane Elevation
Arrysee Arrysey
Awin Argid Silverburn
Awin Ghlass Green River
Awin Shellee, Silverburn
Awin Veg Little River


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B House Names
Manx English
Baare ny Marrey Seacrest
Baare y Tonn Crest of the Wave
Baare y Tonn Wavecrest
Baarney Vooar Big Gap
Baarney Yiarg Red Gap
Baarool Barrule
Baie yn Chabbal Chapel Bay
Baie yn Volgan Bulgham Bay
Balley 'n Ard Hightown
Balley 'n Eaynin Clifton
Balley 'n Ree Kingston
Balley Aah Cleeah Dublin
Balley Beg Little Home(stead)
Balley Brooee Ballabrooie
Balley Cashtal Castletown
Balley Chashtal Castletown
Balley Coar Pleasantville
Balley Creggey Cregville
Balley Creggey Rocky Home
Balley Dowin Baldhoon
Balley Drine Baldrine
Balley Drommey Baldroma
Balley Euar Ballure
Balley Geinnee Sandyville
Balley Glionney Glenholme
Balley Glionney Glenville
Balley Jean Baljean
Balley Juys Pine Villa
Balley Keeill Eoin St. John's
Balley Keeill Varkysh Union Mills
Balley Killey Ellerslie
Balley Killey Kirby
Balley Lhargee Home of the Slope
Balley Lhig Ballig
Balley Loddin Billown
Balley Meen Dear Homestead
Balley Mooar Big Homestead
Balley Noa Newtown
Balley ny Croshey Crosby
Balley ny Keylley Woodville
Balley ny Loghey Ballaugh
Balley Sallagh Ballasalla
Balley Souree Summerville
Balley Souyr Snugborough
Bayr Heose Barroose
Beinn y Foaid Pennypot
Ben Vane White Lady
Biljyn Glassey Greentrees
Billey Millish Bay Tree
Boaldyn Baldwin
Boayl Aalin Beau Site
Boayl Dooin Place For Us
Boayl Fea Place of Rest
Boayl Feagh Quiet Place
Boayl Injil Low Place
Boayl Rhennee Bulrhenny
Boayl Sheeant Place of Peace
Boayl Taitnys Place of Pleasure
Boayl Ushag Bird Place
Boayl yn Edd Place of the Nest
Boayl yn Ushag Booilushag
Boayrd Runt Round Table
Boyn ny Beinney Foot of the Mountain
Bretin, Wales
Broogh Aittin Gorse Bank
Broogh Boaldyn Maybank
Broogh Coull Hazel Bank
Broogh Grianagh Sunny Bank
Broogh Jiass South Bank
Broogh Marrey Sea Bank
Broogh ny Awin, Riverbank
Broogh ny Drineyn Thorn Bank
Broogh ny Hawin Bank of the River
Broogh ny Neaynin Daisy Bank
Broogh y Dress Bramble Brae
Broogh Yiarg Red Bank
Burroo Sheear Westbury
Bwaane Bane White Cottage
Bwaane Beg Little Cottage
Bwaane ny Ferrishyn Fairy Cottage
Bwaane Shellee Willow Lodge
Bwaane y Drine May Cottage
Bwoaillee Ard Highfold
Bwoaillee Glass Greenfold


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C House Names
Manx English
Cairbre Arbory
Cam Lurgey Camlork
Camus y Ree Derbyhaven
Cardal Cardle
Carmane German
Carn Bane White Cairn
Carn ny Cooilley Cairn of the Nook, The
Carraghyn Carraghyn
Carrick Ghial Shining Crag
Carrick ny Drommey Rock of the Ridge
Carrick ny Keylliu Chicken's Rock
Carrick Veg Little Rock
Carrick y Tonn Rock of the Wave
Cashtal Freoaie Heather Castle
Cashtal y Foaid Castleward
Cass ny Hawin Riverfoot
Cass ny Moainee End of the Turbary
Cheer Ard High Land
Cheu Chiollee Ingleside
Cheu Creggey Cragside
Cheu Farney Alder Side
Cheu Jiass Southside
Cheu ny Greg Rockside
Cheu ny Hawin Riverside
Cheu ny Loghey Lakeside
Cheu yn Chrink Hillside
Chibbyr y Phunsh Brandywell
Clagh Vane Whitestone
Clagh Wyllin Millstone
Clagh y Phairk Parkstone
Clea Ghlass Green Roof
Clea Yiarg Red Roof
Cleigh Bane Clybane
Cleigh Fynn Clyeen
Close Bane White Close
Close ny Conneeyn Rabbit Enclosure
Close ny Hawin River Close
Coan Aalin Beautiful Vale
Coan Dress Briardene
Coan ny Glionney Glendene
Coan ny Hawin Avondale
Coan ny Hawin, Riversdale
Coan ny Marrey Seacombe
Coan Rhennee Ferndale
Cochorrym Adequate
Colby Colby
Connaghyn Conchan
Cooill Cham Crooked Corner
Cooill Darree Oak Nook
Cooill Ghlass Green Nook
Cooill Injil Low Corner
Cooill Rhennee Ferny Corner/Nook
Cooill Veg Little Corner
Cooyl Slieau Behind the Hill
Cooyrt Vane White Court
Cooyrt y Ree King's Court
Cor Freoaie Heather Knoll
Cor Lheeah Corlea
Cor yn Ellee Cornelly
Cor-Valley Home in the Hollow
Cornah Cornaa
Cowrey Thallooin Landmark
Creg Ard High Rock
Creg ny Shee Rock of Peace
Creg y Feeagh Raven's Rock
Creneash Cregneash
Creneash Cregneash
Cringal Cringle
Crink Feagh Quiet Hills
Croit Ard Highcroft
Croit Chatreeney Kate's Cottage
Croit Freoaie Heathercroft
Croit Grianagh Sunnycroft
Croit ny Glionney Glencroft
Croit ny Greiney, Sunnycroft
Croit ny Keylley Wood Croft
Croit ny Roseyn Rose Cottage
Croit Shilley Marrey Seaview Cottage
Croit Veg Little Croft
Croit y Clieau Hillcroft
Croit y Drine Maycroft
Croit y Laa Daycroft
Croit y Theiley Lime Cottage
Crongan Hillock
Cronk Aalin Fairmont
Cronk Aash Rest Hill
Cronk Airhey Golden Hill
Cronk Aittin Gorse Hill
Cronk Asbyrt Vesper Hill
Cronk Beg Little Hill
Cronk Boayl Rhennee Richmond Hill
Cronk Cleeir Claremont
Cronk Coar Pleasant Hill
Cronk Connee Honey Hill
Cronk Conney Gorse Hill
Cronk Darragh Oak Hill
Cronk Dhoo Black Hill
Cronk Drine Thornhill
Cronk Eayin Lambhill
Cronk Eunys Hill of Joy
Cronk Eunys Mount of Delight
Cronk Freoaie Heather Hill
Cronk Garroo Rough Hill
Cronk Gennal Genial Hill
Cronk Gennal Happy Hill
Cronk Glass Green Hill
Cronk Gorree Orry Mount
Cronk Grianagh Sunny Mount
Cronk Guilcagh Broom Hill
Cronk Hibbin Ivy Mount
Cronk Jiarg Red Hill
Cronk Keeill Eoin Tynwald Hill
Cronk Marrey Seamount
Cronk Maynrys Hill of Happiness
Cronk Mooar Big Hill
Cronk my Chree Hill of My Heart
Cronk ny Berree Hillberry
Cronk ny Cree Boundary Hill
Cronk ny Ferrishyn Fairy Hill
Cronk ny Fushag Larkhill
Cronk ny Geayee Hill of the Wind
Cronk ny Geayee Windy Hill
Cronk ny Greiney Hill of the Sun
Cronk Olive Olive Mount
Cronk Reeoil Mount Royal
Cronk Ruagh Reddish Hill
Cronk Sollysh Hill of Light
Cronk Sumark Primrose Hill
Cronk Taitnys Mount Pleasant
Cronk Urley Eagle Mount
Cronk Ushag Bird Hill
Cronk Vradda Bradda Mount
Cronk y Chaitnys Peel Hill
Cronk y Chroghee Hango Hill
Cronk y Clyst Boundary Hill
Cronk y Feddag Plover Hill
Cronk y Gheill Springhill
Cronk y Ree Royal Mount
Cummal Beg Little Dwelling
Cummal Cheh Warm Dwelling
Curragh Bane White Marsh
Curragh Beg Little Marsh
Curragh Buigh Yellow Marsh
Curragh Glass Green Marsh


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D House Names
Manx English
Delby, Dawby Dalby
Dhoo Halloo Black Land
Doarlish Ard High Gap
Doolish Douglas
Dreeym Freoaie Heather Ridge
Dreeym Gorrym Blue Ridge
Dreeym Liauyr Long Ridge
Dreeym ny Gill Ridge of the Ravine
Dreeym Vane White Hoe
Dreeym y Sker Dreemskerry
Drine Arn Blackthorn
Droghad Bane Whitebridge
Droghad y Cherroo Quarterbridge
Dubbey Dhoo Black Pool


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E House Names
Manx English
Eairee Horkill Druidale
Eairee Shynnee Ronague
Eairee Steyn Eairystane
Eairee Veg Little Pasture
Eaynagh Coar Annacur
Eaynagh Moainee Ennemona
Eaynin Ard Highcliff
Eaynin Dress Briarcliff
Eaynin Drine Thorncliff
Eaynin Freoaie Heather Cliff
Eaynin ny Fee Ravenscliff
Eaynin Sheear Westcliff
Edd Beg Little Nest
Edd Druiaght Enchanted Nest
Eddyr Ghaa Woanee Rowany
Edremony, Rowany
Eiraght Birthright
Ellan Bane White Island
Ellan Noo Pherick St. Patrick's Isle
Ellan Skianagh Skye
Ellan Vaayl St. Michael's Isle
Ellan Vannin Isle of Mann
Er y Traie Ashore
Eunys Joy


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F House Names
Manx English
Faaie Veg Little Green
Faaie Vlaa Flowery Green
Faaie yn Wyllin Mill Flat
Fer ny Giawghyn Viking, The
Fo Charn Near the Cairn
Fo Charrick, Fo Chreg Near the Rock
Fo Cheyll Near the Wood
Fo Chronk Near the Hill
Fo Ghill Near the Ravine
Fo Ghlion Near the Glen
Fo Lheeanee Near the Meadow
Fo Lieau Under the Mountain
Fo Phurt Near the Harbour
Foaid Glass Greensward
Forsdal Foxdale
Fy Yerrey At Last


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G House Names
Manx English
Gansee Gansey
Garee yn Aittin Thicket of the Gorse
Garey Glass Green Garden
Geay Varrey Sea Wind
Geayghyn Twoaie North Winds
Giat Gheinnee Sandygate
Gill Rhennee Ferny Ravine
Gill Rhennee Ravine of the Ferns
Glasheen Glashen
Glion Altyn Glen Auldyn
Glion Beg Little Glen
Glion Cam Devil's Elbow
Glion Coon Groudle
Glion Coon Narrow Glen
Glion Cring Glen Needle
Glion Dhoo Glenduff
Glion Dowin Deep Glen
Glion Dowin Glendown
Glion Geayee Glen of Breezes
Glion Maynrey Happy Vale
Glion Maynrys Vale of Happiness
Glion Meay Glen Maye
Glion Meay Glen Maye
Glion Mooar Glen Mooar
Glion Mooar Sulby Glen
Glion ny Hawin Riversdale
Glion Rhennee Fern Glen
Glion Rosien Glen Rushen
Glion Ruy Glen Roy
Glion Shuin Glen Mona
Glion Taitnys Vale of Pleasure
Glion Tramman Elder Tree Glen
Glion y Wyllin Mill Glen
Glion yn Alt Brookdale
Glion yn Aspet Glenaspet
Glion yn Eas Foxdale
Glionnan Hibbin Ivy Dene
Gliontan Beg Little London
Goaill Aash Resting
Gob Garroo Rough Point
Gob ny Caillee Kallow Point
Gob ny Geayee Point of the Wind
Gob ny Greg Rock Point
Gob Ruy Rue Point
Gour y Jiass Southerly
Grianagh Sunny
Grianane Lodge, The
Grianane Sunny Spot


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I House Names
Manx English
Inji Brekka Injebreck
Insh Ghrianagh Sunnyholme
Insh ny Greiney Sunholme
Irree ny Greiney Sunrise


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J House Names
Manx English
Jorby Jurby


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K House Names
Manx English
Keeil Chiollee Inglenook
Keeill Abban St. Luke's
Keeill Vian St. Matthew's
Keeill Woirrey St. Mary's
Keesh Veg Little Rent
Kernow Cornwall
Kerroo Coar Pleasant Quarter
Kerroo Dhoo Black Quarter
Kerroo Garroo Rough Quarter
Kerroo Glass Green Quarter
Kerroo Keyl Narrow Quarter
Kerroo Mooar Big Quarter
Kewaig Kewaigue
Keyll Calmane Dovedale
Keyll Chullyn Holly Grove
Keyll Coull Hazel Dene
Keyll Coull Hazel Dene
Keyll Coull Hazel Wood
Keyll Faih Beechwood
Keyll Ghlass Green Wood
Keyll ny Cooilley Inglewood
Keyll Sheear Westwood
Keyll y Trooan Brookwood
Keyll yn Al Brookwood
Kiare Raaidyn Crossroads
Kiaull Marrey Sea Music
Kiondroghad Onchan
Kione Cloaie Clay Head
Kione Connaghyn Onchan Head
Kione Dhoo Black Head
Kione Feastal Thistle Head
Kione Ghoolish Douglas Head
Kione ny Cleigh Clay Head
Kione ny Hayrey Point of Ayre
Kione Roauyr Contrary Head
Kione Slieau Mountain's End
Kione Spaainagh Spanish Head
Kione Vaghal Maughold Head
Kione Vradda Bradda (Head)
Kione y Sker Conister
Kione y Traie Shore End
Knock Alloe Knockaloe
Knock Freoaie Knock Froy
Knock y Loghan Oatlands


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L House Names
Manx English
Laare Vullee Top Flat
Laggan Juys Firtree Hollow
Laksaah Laxey
Lane Marrey High Water
Langlish Langness
Lann y Jaghin Lanjaghan
Lesh y Cheayn Seaward
Lhag Blaa Flowery Hollow
Lhag Darragh Oak Hollow
Lhag Dhoo Black Hollow
Lhannee Church Land
Lhargagh Dhoo Black Slope
Lhargagh Dhoo Lhergydhoo
Lhargagh Glass Green Slope
Lhargagh Shellee Willow Slope
Lheeanee Ard High Meadow
Lheeanee Ghlass Green Meadow
Lheeanee Injil Low Meadow
Lheeanee Vooar Great Meadow
Lheeanee Wuigh Yellow Meadow
Lhiattee Awin, Riverside
Lhie ny Greiney Sunset
Lhing Keylley Rosslyn
Lhing yn Alt Brooklyn
Lieh Raad Half Way
Liorish y Cheyll Woodside
Logh Ghlass Grey Lake
Logh yn Edd Lough Ned
Loghan Glass Grey Lakelet
Loghan Ruy Red Pond
Londaig Green, The
Lonnan Lonan
Lossan y Twoaie Aurora Borealis


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M House Names
Manx English
Magher Aalin Fairfield
Magher Aittin Marathon
Magher Breck Speckledfield
Magher Brooee Bankfield
Magher Dress Briarfield
Magher Drine Mayfield
Magher Faih Beechfield
Magher Feailley Fairground Field
Magher Garroo Rough Field
Magher Glass Greenfield
Magher Jucklee Broomfield
Magher ny Croshey Crossfield
Magher Unjin Ashfield
Magher y Cheayn Sea Field
Magher y Gheill Springfield
Magher y Trooan Brookfield
Mannin Veen Dear Isle of Mann
Mannishter Rosien Rushen Abbey
Marashen Marathon
Marooney Marown
Maynrys Happiness
Meir y Foawir Giant's Fingers
Middal Middle (Sheading)
Mullagh Ouyr Dun Top
Mullagh y Chruink Hillcrest
Mwyllin Aragher Mullenaragher
Mwyllin Beg Little Mill
Mwyllin y Quinney Mullen-e-Quinney
Myrneen Darling


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N House Names
Manx English
Nalbin Scotland
Nerin Ireland
Nherin Ireland
Ny Carnaneyn Carnanes, The
Ny Croityn Crofts, The
Ny Eayninyn Cliffs, The
Ny Farnaghyn Alders, The
Ny Keylljyn Groves, The
Ny King Headlands, The
Ny Lhiouanyn Elms, The
Ny Moaralyn Moorings, The
Ny Nauntyn Aunts, The
Ny Pobbylyn Poplars, The
Ny Shellee Willows, The
Ny Shuyraghyn Sisters, The
Ny Skortyn Chasms, The
Ny Theilaghyn Limes, The
Ny Tooryn Towers, The
Nyn Ayrn Our Share


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O House Names
Manx English
Oirr ny Gaeil Argyll
Oirr yn Ushtey Water's Edge


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P House Names
Manx English
Pargys Paradise
Plaase Mooar Great Mansion
Poyll Roish Pulrose
Poyll Vaaish Poolvaash
Pundail Pinfold / Pinpound
Purt Beg Little Harbour
Purt Chiarn Port Erin
Purt Coon Port Jack
Purt Gial Shining Port
Purt Le Moirrey Port St. Mary
Purt Mooar Port Mooar
Purt ny Hinshey Peel
Purt ny Shee Peacehaven
Purt y Wyllin Millport


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R House Names
Manx English
Reayrt Aalin Bellevue
Reayrt Hostyn View of England
Reayrt ny Crink View of the Hills
Reayrt ny Glionney Glen View
Reayrt ny Greg Rock View
Reayrt ny Halbey View of Scotland
Reayrt ny Hellan Island View
Reayrt ny Herin View of Ireland
Reayrt ny Howe Howe View
Reayrt ny Keylley Wood View
Reayrt ny Marrey Marine View
Reayrt ny Marrey Sea View
Reayrt ny Sleityn Mountain View
Reayrt ny Sleityn View of the Mountains
Reayrt Vretin View of Wales
Reayrt y Chashtal Castle View
Reayrt y Faarkey Ocean View
Reayrt y Jiass South View
Reayrt y Juys Pine View
Reayrt y Sheear West View
Reayrt y Shiar East View
Reayrt y Twoaie North View
Reayrt y Vadran Dawn View
Reayrt y Vaie Bay View
Rehollys Moonlight
Rheynn Cullyn Rencullen
Rheynn Eas Glen Helen
Rheynn Sheeant Renshent
Rheynn Skeilt Renscault
Rhumsaa Ramsey
Rollage ny Marrey Stella Maris
Ronnag, Ronague
Rose Millish Melrose
Rosien Rushen
Runnysvie Ronaldsway


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S House Names
Manx English
Scacafell Sky Hill
Scarleod Scarlett
Seose yn Ughtagh Uphill
Seyrsnys Freedom
She dty Vea Welcome
Shee Peace
Sheeanys Blessedness
Shenn Thie Old House
Shenn Valley Old Homestead
Shirragh y Ree Peregrine
Skyal Sky Hill
Skyll' Andreays Andreas
Skylley Maayl Kirk Michael
Skylley Maghal Maughold
Skylley Vreeshey Bride
Slaynt Vie Good Health
Slieau Aalin Belmont
Slieau Dhoo Sartfell
Slieau Jiarg Red Mount
Slieau ny Glagh Granite Mountain
Slyst ny Loghey Lakeside
Slyst ny Marrey Seaside
Sniaull Snaefell
Soie yn Vaarney Seat of the Gap
Soilshey ny Greiney Sunshine
Sonnys Prosperity
Sostyn England
Stondane Santan
Stroin Liauyr Langness
Strooan ny Keylley Woodbourne
Strooan y Wyllin Millstream
Sumark Primrose


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T House Names
Manx English
Thalloo Ard High Land
Thalloo Ard Uplands
Thalloo Darragh Oaklands
Thalloo Dhoo Black Land
Thalloo Glass Greylands
Thalloo Jiass Southlands
Thalloo Keylley Woodlands
Thalloo Lheeah Grey Land
Thalloo Noa Newlands
Thalloo ny Greg Rocklands
Thalloo Twoaie Northlands
Thie 'n Aaie Lawn House
Thie 'n Churree Mire House
Thie 'n Laagh Mire House
Thie Aash House of Rest
Thie Albinagh Scottish House
Thie Austeyn Costain's House
Thie Bane White House
Thie Chatreeney Catherine's House
Thie Chirrym Dry House
Thie Cloaie Stone House
Thie Corneil Corner House
Thie Cullyn Holly House
Thie Drommey Ridge House
Thie Eoin John's House
Thie Gennal Happy House
Thie Grianagh Sunny House
Thie Hibbin Ivies, The
Thie Illiam William's House
Thie Impiroil Imperial, The
Thie Jesh Neat House
Thie Jiarg Red House
Thie Keirn Rowan Tree House
Thie Laurys Laurel House
Thie Manninagh Manx House
Thie Maynrys Happy House
Thie Maynrys House of Happiness
Thie Meanagh Central House
Thie Meanagh Middle House
Thie my Chree House of My Heart
Thie Noa New House
Thie ny Brooee Bank House
Thie ny Garee House of the Shrubbery
Thie ny Garee Moor House
Thie ny Hawin River House
Thie ny Killey Church House
Thie ny Kiyt Cats' Home
Thie ny Marrey Marina, The
Thie ny Marrey Sea House
Thie ny Moddee Dogs' Home
Thie ny Shee House of Peace
Thie Pherick Patrick's House
Thie Shillish Cherryhurst
Thie Soilshey House of Light
Thie Sollysh Lighthouse, The
Thie Sostnagh English House
Thie Stanlagh Stanley House
Thie Sumark Primrose House
Thie Voirrey Mary's house
Thie Vona Mona House
Thie Yernagh Irish House
Thie yn Chibbyr Well House
Thie yn Chybbyrt Well House
Thie yn Droghad Bridge House
Thie yn Eaynin Cliff House
Thie yn Joarree Stranger's House
Thie yn Phurt Harbour House
Thie yn Taggyrt Vicarage, The
Thie yn Touree Summer House
Thie yn Traie Beach House
Thie yn Varriaght Victory House
Thie yn Vranlaig Creek House
Thie Yuan John's House
Tinvaal Tynwald
Tolt y Woaillee Tholt y Will
Traa dy Liooar Time Enough
Traie Noo Pherick Spaldrick
Traie ny Bwaagyn Pebble Beach
Traie ny Marrey Shore of the Sea
Traie Vane White Strand


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Y House Names
Manx English
Y Howe Howe, The
Yernagh Irishman
Yn Aaie Homefield
Yn Aarey Millstream
Yn Aash Rest, The
Yn Arbyl Niarbyl
Yn Balley Home
Yn Carnane Carnane, The
Yn Charran Bradda (Head)
Yn Cheyll Grove, The
Yn Cheyllys Sound, The
Yn Cholloo Calf of Mann, The
Yn Chorneil Corner, The
Yn Chrammag Crammag, The
Yn Chrossag Monk's Bridge
Yn Chuishag Cushag
Yn Claddagh Riverbank
Yn Coull Hazel Tree
Yn Cronk Mount, The
Yn Cummal Ain Our Dwelling
Yn Dhoon Fortress, The
Yn Disert Hermitage, The
Yn Dreeym Ridge, The
Yn Droghad Bridge, The
Yn Druin Hump, The
Yn Eas Waterfall, The
Yn Edd Ain Our Nest
Yn Ghaeltaght Highlands, The
Yn Injeig Waters Meet
Yn Keylley Kella, The
Yn Lhag Hollow, The
Yn Lhane Lhen, The
Yn Lhieggey Waterfall, The
Yn Logh Lake, The
Yn Loghan Lakelet, The
Yn Meayll Mull, The
Yn Phurt Haven, The
Yn Rheast Moorlands
Yn Rhu Rue Point
Yn Slogh Sloc, The
Yn Slyst Boundary, The
Yn Strooan Stream, The
Yn Thalloo Bretnagh Wales
Yn Thie Ain Our Home
Yn Thie Aym My Home
Yn Tooshtal Thousla, The
Yn Vynlagh Fairway, The
Ynnyd Buigh Yellow Place
Ynnys Pherick, St. Patrick's Isle



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  Back to Manx House, Place and First Names

Posted by Yabsta
17th May 2022 6:22 pm.
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