I have always been mad about music. Listening to tapes on my Sony Walkman cassette player and getting my first half-size guitar at the age of four was where it all started I guess.
Manx Band Mec Lir Relive Their Visit to the Celtic Colours Festival in Canada.
Peel Carnival defies unfavourable weather conditions for a fun day out!
Making Celtic Connections at one of Glasgow's Biggest Festivals
Music Composed in Manx Internment Camps Highlighted in Island Concerts.
Manx Performers Fly the Flag at Lorient Inter-Celtic Festival.
The Marriage of Figaro.
Manx Dialect Play Attracts Full House at Annual Oie'll Verree.
Peel hosts a successful Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Local Song Chosen for Pan-Celtic Festival Competition